Manhattan Beach Workers’ Compensation Attorney

If you are an employee who has been injured on the job, you may be entitled to workers’ comp benefits. However, navigating the complex workers’ compensation system can be difficult and confusing. On the other hand, as an employer, you may find yourself facing a workers’ compensation claim from an employee, which can also be a daunting and stressful situation. In both scenarios, the ideal course of action is to seek the guidance of a qualified and experienced Manhattan Beach workers’ compensation attorney and defense lawyer.

At Pratt Law Corporation, our team of workers’ compensation attorneys and defense lawyers in Manhattan Beach has experience representing both employees and employers in workers’ compensation cases. We understand the legal system and are here to provide you with the support and guidance you need to navigate the process successfully. We work diligently to ensure our clients receive the wages and compensation they deserve.

If you are an employee who has suffered a work-related injury, our Manhattan Beach workers’ compensation lawyers can help you understand your rights and guide you through the process of filing a workers’ compensation claim. We understand the emotional and financial toll that workplace injuries can take, and we will fight tirelessly to make sure you receive the medical treatment, wage replacement, and other benefits you are entitled to under the law.

Manhattan Beach Workers Compensation Attorney

Defense Cases

In workers’ compensation cases, the employer or their insurance company may choose to mount a defense against the claim being made by the employee. These defense cases can vary depending on the specific circumstances of the case, but here are a few common examples:

  • Disputing the injury. The employer or insurance company may try to argue that the employee’s injury or illness did not occur on the job or that it was not as severe as claimed. They may try to find evidence to support this argument, such as witness statements or medical records.
  • Challenging the need for treatment. The employer or insurance company may try to argue that certain medical treatments or procedures are not necessary for the employee’s injury or illness. They may ask for a second opinion or request an independent medical examination.
  • Questioning the employee’s employment status. In some cases, the employer or insurance company may argue that the employee was not an actual employee or was not performing job-related duties at the time of the injury or illness. They may try to claim that the worker was an independent contractor or that they were engaging in personal activities at the time of the incident.
  • Arguing that the employee was at fault. In some cases, the employer or insurance company may argue that the employee’s own actions contributed to their injury or illness. They may argue that the employee was not following safety protocols or that they engaged in risky behavior.

As an employer, you need to protect your business interests while also fulfilling your legal obligations to your employees. Our Pratt Law Corporation defense lawyers in Manhattan Beach have extensive experience in defending employers against workers’ compensation claims. We will work closely with you to evaluate the claim and develop a strong defense strategy to protect your business and minimize your liability.

Personal Injury Cases

In addition to workers’ compensation claims, employees who have been injured on the job may also have a personal injury case. Personal injury claims may arise if the injury was caused by the negligence or intentional actions of someone other than the employer or a co-worker. Here are a few common examples of personal injury cases that may arise from workplace accidents:

  • Product liability. If an employee was injured due to a defective product, such as faulty equipment or machinery, they may have a personal injury case against the manufacturer or supplier of the product.
  • Premises liability. If the injury occurred on someone else’s property, such as a slip and fall on a wet floor, the employee may have a personal injury case against the property owner or manager.
  • Third-party negligence. If the injury was caused by the negligence of a third party, such as a contractor or supplier, the employee may have a personal injury case against that party.

In personal injury cases, the employee will need to prove that the other party was negligent or acted intentionally and that this negligence or intentional action caused their injuries. They will also need to prove the extent of their injuries and the damages they have suffered as a result.

Our Manhattan Beach workers’ compensation attorneys and defense lawyers handle personal injury cases related to workplace accidents. This may include cases involving defective equipment, hazardous working conditions, and other types of workplace injuries. We understand the complex legal issues involved in personal injury cases and will work diligently to ensure you receive the compensation you deserve.

What to Expect During the Workers’ Compensation Claim Process

The workers’ compensation claim process can be complex and intimidating, especially if you are dealing with an injury or illness. However, understanding the process and what to expect can help you feel more prepared and confident as you move forward. Here are the basic steps you can expect in the workers’ compensation claim process:

  • Report your injury to your employer. As soon as you become aware of a work-related injury or illness, it is important to report it to your employer. This starts the process of filing a workers’ compensation claim.
  • Seek medical treatment. You should seek medical treatment for your injury as soon as possible. Your employer may have a designated medical provider, or you may be able to choose your own doctor. Be sure to follow all medical instructions and keep detailed records of your treatment.
  • File a claim with your employer’s insurance company. Your employer’s insurance company will provide you with the necessary paperwork to file a workers’ compensation claim. Be sure to fill out all forms accurately and completely.
  • Wait for a decision. The insurance company will review your claim and decide whether to accept or deny it. During the waiting period, it is important to stay in communication with your attorney and keep them updated on any changes in your medical condition or work status. If your claim is denied, you may need to appeal the decision.
  • Receive benefits. If your claim is approved, you will receive a notice of award that outlines the benefits you are entitled to receive. These benefits may include medical expenses, lost wages, and vocational rehabilitation services.
  • Return to work. Once you have recovered from your injury, you may be able to return to work. Your employer may need to make accommodations to your job duties or schedule to accommodate any ongoing medical needs.

Throughout the process, it is important to stay in communication with your employer, insurance company, and legal team. They can help guide you through the process and ensure you receive the benefits and compensation you are entitled to.

Workers Compensation Lawyer FAQs

Q: What Is Workers’ Compensation, and Who Is Eligible to File a Claim in Manhattan Beach?

A: Workers’ compensation is a system of insurance that provides benefits to employees who are injured or become ill as a result of their work. In California, almost all employers are required to carry workers’ compensation insurance. Employees who are injured on the job or suffer from a work-related illness may be eligible to file a workers’ compensation claim.

Q: Should I Hire a Workers’ Compensation Attorney, and How Do I Find a Good One?

A: While you are not required to hire a workers’ compensation attorney to file a claim, having an experienced legal team on your side can greatly increase your chances of receiving the benefits you deserve. To find a good workers’ compensation attorney, look for someone with experience handling cases similar to yours, who is responsive to your needs and concerns, and who is willing to work with you to negotiate fees and payment plans.

Q: What Percentage of My Settlement Will My Workers’ Compensation Attorney Take?

A: Workers’ compensation attorneys typically work on a contingency fee basis, meaning that they do not charge upfront fees and instead take a percentage of your settlement or award. The exact percentage can vary depending on the complexity of your case, the amount of work required, and your attorney’s experience and reputation.

Q: What Can I Do to Expedite the Settlement Process in Manhattan Beach, CA?

A: There are several strategies that can be used to expedite the settlement process in a workers’ compensation case, including gathering all necessary evidence and documentation, negotiating with the insurance company or employer, and using alternative dispute resolution methods. Your attorney can help determine the ideal approach for your case.

Work With Lawyers Who Are Ready to Support You Throughout Your Legal Journey

At Pratt Law Corporation, we are committed to providing our clients with the highest level of legal representation and personalized attention. We understand the stress and anxiety that comes with navigating the workers’ compensation system, and we are here to guide you through the process with compassion and understanding. If you need a workers’ compensation attorney in Manhattan Beach, contact us today to schedule a consultation.