Torrance Back Injury Attorney

Back injuries can be one of the scariest and most debilitating injuries one can suffer. The bones, discs, muscles, and nerves in the back work together to allow us to move, bend, and twist. When these components are damaged, they can cause immense pain and mobility problems. The function of our back muscles is also to protect the spine, so when they are damaged, it can leave the spine vulnerable to further injury. The spine is a sensitive and complicated structure, so even a minor injury to the back can have lasting consequences. Fortunately, a Torrance back injury attorney is deeply educated on the subject and can help advance your claim to compensate for your injuries.

At Pratt Williams, our Torrance personal injury lawyers understand the unique challenges of back injury cases. We have the resources to fully investigate the facts of your case and build a strong compensation claim. Back injuries are our specialty. Not every attorney or law firm has the expertise to handle these sophisticated cases. When you choose Pratt Williams, you can be confident that your case is in good hands. We will not stop working until the justice system recognizes your rights and awards you full compensation for the unnecessary suffering you have endured.

Torrance Back Injury Attorney

Do I Need a Torrance Back Injury Attorney?

There is always a moment of pause and consideration when someone is faced with the decision to hire an attorney. Often, people will ask themselves whether their case is serious enough to warrant legal action or if they can handle the case on their own. In the case of back injuries, we always recommend you seek the legal counsel of an experienced back injury attorney in Torrance. Here are some reasons why:

  • Back injuries can have long-lasting consequences. These serious injuries can significantly impact your life. You may face months or even years of medical treatment, physical therapy, and lost wages. These are all significant expenses that can quickly add up. Not advancing your case with an attorney’s help could risk you being stuck with expenses that are not your responsibility to pay.
  • The insurance company is not on your side. After an accident, the first call you will likely receive will be from the at-fault party’s insurance company. They may try to lowball you with a quick settlement offer much less than your case is worth. Do not be fooled – their goal is to save the insurance company money, not to deliver the total amount of compensation possible. Attorneys can predict these tactics and help you avoid them.
  • You will likely miss time from work, which can lead to financial hardship. The average citizen does not have the funds to anticipate being out of work for an extended period. And if you are suffering from back injuries that bear no accountability, it can be incredibly difficult to make ends meet. A Torrance back injury attorney will ensure the laws set up to compensate for missed time at work are followed so that you can focus on your recovery without fear of missing bills and other financial obligations to your family.
  • The laws surrounding back injury cases are complex. If you have never had to deal with the legal system before, then the laws and procedures surrounding your case can be confusing and overwhelming. Even the savviest of self-represented individuals will likely find themselves at a disadvantage when going up against an insurance company’s team of lawyers. An experienced back injury attorney in Torrance will know the ins and outs of the law and can navigate the system on your behalf so you can focus on what’s most important – your recovery.
  • The statute of limitations may be running out. In California, you generally have two years after your accident to officially submit a personal injury lawsuit. However, certain circumstances can stall or extend this deadline. If you wait too long to act, you may miss your opportunity to recover compensation altogether. An experienced back injury attorney will be able to determine if the statute of limitations applies to your case and take action accordingly.
  • Evidence in your case can disappear over time. The sooner you have an attorney on your side, the better. They can begin to collect evidence and preserve it so that it can be used in your case down the road. If you wait too long, key evidence proving your unjust injury may be lost or destroyed, which could impact the outcome of your case.

There are some compelling and life-changing reasons to seek out the legal counsel of an experienced back injury attorney in Torrance if you have been injured in an accident. Back injuries are one of the most crippling types of injuries that a person can suffer, and your decision to hire an attorney could make all the difference in how much this truly impacts your life.

Common Causes of Back Injuries in Torrance, CA

In almost all cases, back injuries happen unexpectedly. One minute you’re advancing through your day-to-day life, and the next,you’re in debilitating pain. Even the most cautious among us can find ourselves the victim of a back injury, as they are often caused by circumstances that are out of our control.

Some of the most frequently observed causes of back injuries in Torrance include:

  • Motor vehicle accidents. Various cars, trucks, and motorcycle accidents are leading causes of back injuries. Every day, innocent people become injured in accidents that were caused by the negligence of others. On the road, this can be in the form of distracted driving, speeding, or drunk driving. When a collision occurs, the force of impact can cause the spine to compress, resulting in serious injuries.
  • Slip and fall accidents. A fall can happen anywhere, at any time, and to anyone. A fall can have devastating consequences if you slip on a wet floor in the grocery store or trip over a loose rug at home. When you fall, your first instinct is to put your hands out to break your fall, which can cause serious wrist, arm, and shoulder injuries. However, the majority of fall-related injuries occur to the back or spine.
  • Workplace accidents. Unfortunately, many back injuries occur in the workplace. These injuries can be caused by lifting heavy objects, working in awkward positions, or being involved in a workplace accident. If your employer has failed to provide a safe working environment or if a coworker has injured you, you have grounds to file a workers’ compensation claim or a personal injury lawsuit.
  • Sports injuries. Back injuries are also common among athletes, especially those participating in contact sports. These sports are designed for heavy collision, which puts a lot of strain on the back and spine. Even non-contact sports like golf, running, or tennis can cause back injuries if the wrong form is used or if an athlete overexerts themselves.
  • Intentional acts of violence. Back injuries can also be caused by acts of violence, such as being shot, stabbed, or beaten. These are scary scenarios where the victim is originally just happy to have survived the attack. Unfortunately, the back injuries suffered can be just as life-altering as the attack itself. Any victim of an act of violence should seek immediate medical attention and then quickly contact an experienced personal injury attorney afterward.

In any of these scenarios, there are two major stakeholders: the injury victim and the at-fault party. The at-fault party is usually an individual or entity who acted negligently and caused the accident that led to the victim’s injuries. In a car accident, this could be the other driver. In a workplace accident, this could be the victim’s employer. The at-fault party usually has insurance to cover the damages caused by their negligence, but in some cases, they may not have enough insurance or any at all. This is where an experienced personal injury attorney can step in, assess the situation, and help the victim get the compensation they need and deserve.

What Are the Most Common Types of Back Injuries?

There are many different types of back injuries, and the severity of the injury depends on where on the spine the injury has affected. The spine is constructed of 33 vertebrae in total, and each one has a specific function. The vertebrae are divided into four sections:

  • The cervical spine, which is made up of the seven vertebrae in the neck
  • The thoracic spine, which is made up of the 12 vertebrae in the chest
  • The lumbar spine, which is made up of the five vertebrae in the lower back
  • The sacral spine, which is made up of the five vertebrae in the pelvis

The most common types of back injuries include:

  • Herniated discs. A herniated disc occurs when the jelly-like center of a spinal disc leaks out and puts unnatural pressure directly on the spinal cord or nerves. This can cause pain, numbness, and weakness in the affected area.
  • Spinal fractures. A spinal fracture is a break in one of the vertebrae. This can be caused by trauma, such as a car accident or a fall, or by osteoporosis, which is a serious medical condition that results in the bones to weaken and break easily.
  • Spinal cord injuries. A spinal cord injury occurs in traumatic events where the spinal cord is damaged. This can be caused by a blow to the spine, a fall, or a car accident. Spinal cord injuries have the possibility of resulting in paralysis, a loss of feeling or sensation, and total loss of function.

What Are the Symptoms of a Back Injury?

The symptoms of a back injury vary depending on the type and severity of the injury. If you are questioning if you have a back injury in need of attention, seek medical care immediately. Back injuries are serious and may require surgery, so it is important to get a proper diagnosis from a medical professional. There is the temptation to skip being seen by a doctor because you may not feel pain right away, but this is a mistake. An injury to the spine can cause long-term damage and is not always apparent right away.

Some common symptoms of back injuries include:

  • Pain. This is the most frequently reported symptom of a back injury. The pain can be sharp, dull, or throbbing and can range from mild to severe. The pain may be localized, meaning it is only in one area, or it may radiate, meaning it spreads from the injured area to other parts of the body.
  • Numbness. This is another common symptom of a back injury. The numbness can be in the form of tingling, pins and needles, or complete loss of sensation. You may experience numbness in the injured area or other parts of the body, such as your legs or feet.
  • Weakness. This is another symptom of a back injury, particularly if the injury is to the spinal cord. The weakness can be in the form of muscle weakness or paralysis. If you experience weakness in your legs, it may be difficult to walk or stand.
  • Difficulty moving. This is a common symptom of a back injury. The difficulty can be in the form of pain, stiffness, or muscle spasms. You may also have difficulty bending, twisting, or turning.

How Is a Back Injury Diagnosed?

A back injury is diagnosed through a medical history and a physical examination. The doctor will inquire about symptoms and how they started. They will also ask about any accidents or injuries that may have caused the back injury. During a physical examination, the doctor will check for tenderness, swelling, and range of motion. They may also order imaging tests, such as an MRI or CT scan, to get a better look at the injury and brain. At the conclusion of the examination, the doctor will give a diagnosis and recommend treatment. Once you have been diagnosed with a back injury and treatment has begun, you can then focus on how you will advance in your personal injury claim.

How Is a Back Injury Treated?

The treatment for a back injury depends on the type and severity of the injury. For some injuries, such as a herniated disc, the doctor may recommend conservative treatment, such as rest, ice, and physical therapy. For more severe injuries, such as a spinal cord injury, the doctor may recommend surgery. Regardless of the type of treatment, it is important to follow the doctor’s orders and attend all scheduled appointments. This will be crucial to reverse the physical and mental damages sustained from the injury, as well as collecting evidence for your personal injury claim and being compensated for the damages.

How Can I Prevent a Back Injury?

There are many things you can do to prevent a back injury. Some tips include:

  • Wearing comfortable, low-heeled shoes
  • Standing up straight and avoiding slouching
  • Sitting in a chair that offers adequate back support
  • Avoiding lifting heavy objects
  • Stretching and exercising regularly

However, even someone who extends serious caution and takes all the preventive steps may still find themselves the victim of a back injury. If you have been injured in an accident that was not your fault, you should not be shy to connect with an attorney and strategize exactly how you will get compensated for your damages.

Can You Sue for Pain and Suffering in California?

Yes, you can sue for pain and suffering in California. To do so, however, you must have suffered a “serious injury” because of someone else’s negligence. A serious injury is one that results in death, disfigurement, loss of a limb, paralysis, or a loss of function. If this is true, you can connect with an attorney and determine the exact legal grounds for your claim. Whoever caused your injuries will be held liable, and you may be awarded damages.

How Long Does It Take to Settle a Back Injury Claim?

The amount of time it takes to settle a back injury claim depends on the severity of the injury and the evidence available. If you have suffered a serious injury, such as a spinal cord injury, it may take longer to settle the claim because of the extensive medical treatment and rehabilitation you will need. If you have a less severe injury, such as a herniated disc, you may be able to settle the claim more quickly. In any case, the faster you can gather evidence and build a strong case, the sooner you will be able to prove the other party’s negligence and get compensated for your damages.

Contact Pratt Williams Today

If you are injured, currently recovering, or have already recovered from a back injury, you may be entitled to compensation. The first step is to connect with an experienced personal injury attorney who can evaluate your claim and get you the maximum settlement you deserve. At Pratt Williams, our team of attorneys has years of experience handling all types of personal injury claims, including back injuries. We understand the devastation a back injury can cause, and we will stop at nothing to get you the compensation you need to focus on your recovery. Contact us today to begin consultation.