Torrance Workplace Shoulder Injury Lawyer

Workplace shoulder injuries in Torrance, CA are a common occurrence in employment, particularly in industries that involve manual labor or repetitive tasks. Shoulder injuries range from mild strains to more severe injuries, such as rotator cuff tears or dislocated shoulders.

These injuries can be caused by various factors, including lifting heavy objects, performing repetitive movements, or experiencing a sudden impact or fall. Shoulder injuries can have a significant impact on an individual’s ability to work and perform daily activities, and they may require medical treatment and time off work to recover. Therefore, it is important for employers to take steps to prevent shoulder injuries in the workplace and to provide appropriate support and accommodations for employees who have suffered a shoulder injury.

However, even the most cautious employers sometimes fail to do their part in protecting their employees from shoulder injuries. Therefore, if you suffered a shoulder injury in the workplace, it is very important that you speak with an expert workplace shoulder injury lawyer who can help ensure that your rights are protected.

At Pratt Law Corporation, our experienced team of attorneys is committed to helping injured workers receive the Torrance workers’ compensation and benefits they need. We understand that workplace injuries can devastate workers and their families, and we are dedicated to fighting for the best possible outcome for our clients. We will work closely with you to build a strong case and seek the maximum financial compensation possible.

Torrance Workplace Shoulder Injury Lawyer

What Causes Shoulder Injuries in the Workplace?

There are numerous common reasons that shoulder injuries occur in the workplace:

  • Lifting heavy objects. Lifting heavy objects, when done improperly, can put a lot of strain on the shoulder muscles and joints, leading to injuries.
  • Repetitive movements. Repeating the same movements over and over again, such as lifting, pushing, or pulling, can lead to muscle fatigue and strain, which can cause shoulder injuries.
  • Sudden impacts or falls. Shoulder injuries can occur as a result of a sudden impact or fall as well, such as if an employee slips and falls on the job or is hit by a falling object.
  • Poor posture. Poor posture while performing tasks, such as leaning forward or slouching, can put unnecessary strain on the shoulders and lead to injuries.
  • Poorly designed workstations. Workstations that are not ergonomically designed or that do not have the appropriate equipment or support can also contribute to shoulder injuries.
  • Insufficient training. Employees who are not properly trained on how to perform tasks safely or who do not have the necessary equipment or support can be at increased risk of shoulder injuries.

Any combination of these factors can contribute to workplace shoulder injuries. Additionally, some workers may have a higher risk of developing shoulder injuries due to pre-existing conditions such as arthritis, prior injuries, or age-related changes. Therefore, employers are expected to take steps to protect their employees from workplace shoulder injuries by providing appropriate training, equipment, and support.

What Are the Symptoms of a Workplace Shoulder Injury?

The symptoms of a workplace shoulder injury can vary depending on the type and severity of the injury. However, some common symptoms of a shoulder injury include:

  • Pain is a very common symptom of a shoulder injury. It may be a dull ache or a sharp, shooting pain, and it may be present at all times or only when the shoulder is moved.
  • Swelling in the shoulder area may occur if there is inflammation or fluid buildup in the joint.
  • Stiffness. The shoulder may feel stiff or restricted in movement, particularly when attempting to lift the arm or reach overhead.
  • Weakness. The shoulder may feel weak or unstable, making it difficult to perform tasks that require strength or stability.
  • Bruising, which may occur if there is bleeding within the tissues of the shoulder.
  • Tingling or numbness. Some people may experience tingling or numbness in the shoulder or down the arm if there is nerve damage.

You should seek immediate medical attention if you experience any of these symptoms, as shoulder injuries can become more severe if left untreated.

What Type of Damage Can a Shoulder Injury Cause?

Shoulder injuries can create a variety of types of damage, depending on the specific injury. However, some common types of damage that can result from a shoulder injury include:

  • Muscle strains. A muscle strain occurs when a muscle is overstretched or torn. Strains can range from mild to severe, and they can cause pain, swelling, and weakness.
  • Sprains. A sprain occurs when a ligament, the band of tissue that connects bones, is overstretched or torn. Sprains can cause pain, swelling, and instability in the joint.
  • Dislocated shoulders. A dislocated shoulder occurs when the upper arm bone separates from the shoulder blade. This can cause severe pain, swelling, and difficulty moving the arm.
  • Fractures. A fracture is a break in a bone. For example, shoulder fractures can occur as a result of a fall or impact. Symptoms of a fracture may include pain, swelling, and difficulty moving the arm.
  • Rotator cuff injuries. The rotator cuff comprises a group of muscles and tendons surrounding the shoulder joint. Injuries range from mild strains to more severe tears, and they can cause pain, weakness, and difficulty moving the arm.
  • Bursitis, which is the inflammation of a small fluid-filled sac (called a bursa) that cushions the shoulder joint. Bursitis can cause pain, swelling, and tenderness in the shoulder.

You should seek immediate medical attention if you believe you have suffered a shoulder injury, as proper treatment can help prevent further damage and improve your chances of a full recovery.

What Compensation Can Be Earned After a Shoulder Injury?

If you suffered any form of shoulder injury and are seeking compensation, there are a few different types of damages that you may be entitled to. These may include:

  • Medical expenses. You may recover the cost of any medical treatment related to your shoulder injury, including hospital stays, surgeries, medications, physical therapy, and other medical care.
  • Lost wages. If you missed work as a result of your shoulder injury, you may be able to recover the wages you would have earned during that time.
  • Pain and suffering. You may be able to seek damages for the physical pain and emotional suffering caused by your shoulder injury.
  • Loss of consortium. If your shoulder injury has caused a loss of companionship or affection in your relationship with your spouse or other loved ones, you may be able to recover damages for this loss.
  • Property damage. If your shoulder injury was caused by an accident involving damage to your property (such as a car accident), you might be able to recover the cost of repairing or replacing that property.

The total amount of compensation you may be entitled to will depend on the specific circumstances of your case and the laws of your state. Therefore, it’s important to speak with a Torrance workplace shoulder injury attorney to understand your rights and options.

Tips to Avoid Shoulder Injuries at Work

There are a number of steps you can take to reduce the risk of shoulder injuries at work:

  • Use proper lifting techniques. When lifting heavy objects, be sure to lift with your legs rather than your back, and keep the object close to your body. Avoid twisting or turning while lifting.
  • Use assistive devices. If you need to lift heavy objects frequently, consider using assistive devices such as a lifting belt or dolly to help reduce the strain on your shoulders.
  • Take breaks. If you perform tasks that require repetitive movements or sustained awkward positions, take regular breaks to stretch and give your shoulders a break.
  • Use proper ergonomics. Make sure your workstation is set up properly to reduce strain on your shoulders. This includes adjusting your chair height, monitor position, and keyboard and mouse to maintain good posture.
  • Wear protective gear. If your job involves working with hazardous materials or machinery, be sure to wear protective gear such as gloves and safety glasses to protect your shoulders and other parts of your body.
  • Get in shape. Regular exercise can help strengthen your shoulders and reduce the risk of injury. Consider incorporating shoulder-strengthening exercises into your workout routine.

By following these professional tips, you can protect your shoulders and reduce the risk of injury at work.

What Makes a Strong Torrance Shoulder Injury Attorney?

Some characteristics that may make a Torrance shoulder injury attorney strong are:

  • Experience. A strong attorney will have experience handling shoulder injury cases and will be familiar with the legal process and the strategies that are most effective in these cases.
  • Knowledge of local laws and regulations. A strong attorney will be familiar with the laws and regulations specific to Torrance and the surrounding area and will be able to use this knowledge to your advantage in your case.
  • Strong communication skills. A strong attorney can effectively communicate with you, the opposing party, and the court to present your case in the best possible light.
  • Resourcefulness. A strong attorney can identify and utilize all available resources to build a strong case on your behalf. This may include conducting investigations, gathering evidence, and retaining expert witnesses.
  • Persistence. A strong attorney will be dedicated to pursuing your case and will not give up easily, even when faced with challenges or setbacks.
  • Compassion. A strong attorney will understand the impact that a shoulder injury can have on your life and will be empathetic and compassionate toward you and your family.

The perfect blend of these qualities can make a Torrance shoulder injury attorney a powerful advocate for your case that can help you get the full amount of compensation you should receive.

Will I Need to Go to Court for a Shoulder Injury?

Whether you will need to go to court for a shoulder injury depends on your case’s specific circumstances. Sometimes, an injury attorney may be able to negotiate a settlement with the opposing party or their insurance company without the need for a court appearance. However, if the other party is unwilling to negotiate or the settlement offer is inadequate, you may need to file a lawsuit and go to court to seek damages for your shoulder injury.

If you do need to go to court, you need an experienced shoulder injury attorney on your side to represent your interests and advocate for you. Your attorney will be able to guide you through the legal process and help you prepare for court appearances and other legal proceedings. They will also be able to handle the majority of the legal work, allowing you to focus on your recovery.

An alternative to going to court is arbitration or mediation. During these proceedings, an independent third party will hear both sides of the case and make a binding decision on the outcome. This can often be a less expensive and more efficient way to resolve your case without the need for lengthy court proceedings. Attempting to resolve your case in this manner is something that a skilled shoulder injury attorney can help you with.

How Much Does a Shoulder Injury Claim Cost?

The cost of a shoulder injury claim will depend on many factors, including the severity of the injury, the extent of the damage, and the complexity of the case. Some expenses that you may incur in the course of pursuing a shoulder injury workers’ compensation claim include:

  • Medical expenses. You may incur costs for medical treatment, including hospital stays, surgeries, medications, and physical therapy.
  • Legal fees. You may need to pay legal fees to your attorney for their services in representing you in your shoulder injury claim. These fees can be based on an hourly rate or a contingency fee, which is a percentage of the damages recovered.
  • Expert witness fees. You may need to retain expert witnesses to testify on your behalf in court. These experts may charge fees for their services.
  • Court costs. There may be court fees and other costs associated with filing a lawsuit and pursuing your shoulder injury claim.

There are many different ways that an attorney may collect payment for their services:

  • Hourly rate. Some attorneys charge an hourly rate for their services, meaning the client is billed for the time the attorney spends working on their case.
  • Flat fee. Sometimes, an attorney may offer a flat fee for their services, which means that the client pays a set amount for the attorney’s work, regardless of the amount of time spent on the case.
  • Contingency fee. This type of fee means that the attorney is paid a percentage of the damages recovered in the case. This is a common arrangement in personal injury cases, where the client does not have to pay any upfront fees, and the attorney is paid only if they are successful in recovering damages on the client’s behalf.
  • Retainer. Sometimes, an attorney may ask the client to pay a retainer, which is a deposit that covers a portion of the attorney’s fees and expenses as the case progresses. The attorney will bill the client for additional fees and expenses as they are incurred, and any unused portion of the retainer will be returned to the client.

Understanding the payment arrangement with your attorney is important before you begin working with them. Your attorney should be able to explain the fees and costs associated with your case and how they will be collected.

How to Heal From Shoulder Injuries

Follow your doctor’s recommendations: You need to follow your doctor’s treatment plan, which may include medications, physical therapy, and other forms of treatment.

Some helpful steps you can take to heal from a shoulder injury are:

  • Rest. Allow your shoulder time to heal by taking breaks and avoiding activities that could further strain or injure it.
  • Apply ice. Applying ice to your shoulder can help reduce swelling and pain. Be sure to wrap the ice in a towel or use an ice pack to avoid causing frostbite.
  • Use heat. After a few days of icing your shoulder, you may find that heat therapy helps to reduce muscle spasms and improve blood flow. Use a heating pad or take a warm shower to apply heat to your shoulder.
  • Perform gentle stretches. Gentle stretches can help improve flexibility and mobility in your shoulder. Consult with your doctor or physical therapist to determine appropriate stretches for your specific injury.
  • Use pain medication as needed. If you are experiencing pain, your doctor may prescribe pain medication to help manage it. Follow your doctor’s instructions for taking the medication, and do not exceed the recommended dosage.
  • Seek physical therapy. Physical therapy can help you regain strength and mobility in your shoulder after an injury. Your doctor or physical therapist can recommend exercises and stretches that are appropriate for your specific injury.

By following these steps, you can help your shoulder heal and recover from an injury.

Contact Pratt Law Corporation Today

If you suffered a shoulder injury due to the negligence of another, contact Pratt Law Corporation today for a consultation. Our team of experienced attorneys can help you understand your rights and pursue a claim for compensation. We are here to fight for you and ensure that you attain the justice you should get. Get in touch with us today to learn more.